Female Rap and Hip Hop Artists

The rap and hip hop genre is commonly seen as a male-dominated field of music. Typically, the only time women are in evidence is in the music videos or providing backing vocals. Of course, this isn’t always the case. Some of the more well-known names include Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, Missy Elliott, Lil’ Kim and Lauryn Hill. These women have made it big in the industry, but there are many others who haven’t, and this could be due to a lack of confidence.

Improving Self-Esteem

For those women who know they have a great voice, but lack a stage presence, perhaps a trip to https://motiva.health/ could be the answer. This is a well-respected website that offers breast augmentation from top surgeons. Female rappers could improve their self-esteem by changing their body shape, giving them more confidence to appear on stage. And with the Motiva procedures leaving minimal scarring, there is no reason not to consider it.

Achieving a Hip Hop Look

To become a successful artist, you need to come up with your own unique look. If you spend most of your life covering up because you are not happy with your body shape, then you are unlikely to attract the attention of record labels and producers. To take the first step to change your life, book a consultation with the friendly staff at Motiva. They are sure to put your mind at ease and will answer any questions about the breast augmentation procedure.

Rest and Recovery

The recovery time from the surgery performed at Motiva is surprisingly quick, and you will be able to go about your daily tasks within a short space of time. However, some rest is required. You can use this time to build up your song repertoire, ready to unleash yourself on the unsuspecting rap and hip hop world. With your refound confidence, you are sure to hit the big time.

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